Monday, December 23, 2024

First isomorphism theorem for vector space, homomorphism, kernel and isomorphism of vector space

Homomorphism of vector spaces: 

Let U & V be the two real vector spaces then a mapping ​\( f:U\to V \)​ is said to be homomorphism (Linear Transformation) if
(i) ​\( f(\alpha+\beta)=f(\alpha)+f(\beta), \forall \alpha, \beta\in U \)​
(ii) ​\( f(c\alpha)=cf(\alpha), \forall c\in\mathbb{R} \)​ & ​\( \alpha\in U \)​
Combine condition:
​\( f(a\alpha+b\beta)=af(\alpha)+bf(\beta), \forall a, b\in\mathbb{R} \)​ & ​\( \alpha, \beta\in U \)​

Kernel of Homomorphism:

Let ​\( f:U\to V \)​ be a homomorphism of real vector space then kernel of f is defined as
​\( ker f=\{\alpha\in U |f(\alpha)=0\} \)​, where 0 is the zero vector of vector space V.
Isomorphism of Vector Space:
Let V be a vector space over ​\( \mathbb{R} \)​ and ​\( V’ \)​ be another real vector space then a mapping ​\( f:V\to V’ \)​ is called isomorphism of V if
(i) f is one-one.
(ii) f is onto.
(iii) f is homomorphism
and those two vector spaces V & V’ are said to be isomorphic and denoted by ​\( V(\mathbb{R})\cong V'(\mathbb{R}) \)​.
Also Read: Two finite dimensional vector spaces over the same field are isomorphic iff they are of the same dimensions

First isomorphism theorem for vector space:
(Fundamental theorem of homomorphism of vector space): 

Let ​\( T:V\to V’ \)​ be linear transformation of real vector space V onto real vector space V and ​\( W=ker(T) \)​ then W is subspace of vector space V and ​\( \frac{V}{W}\cong V’ \)​
Let ​\( T:V\to V’ \)​ be a linear transformation of real vector space V onto real vector space V’.
​\( W=\ker T=\{\alpha\in V | T(\alpha)= \)​0, where 0 is zero vector in V’}
Here, W is nonempty.   (​\( \because \)​ T is linear transportation ​\( \implies T(0)=0′ \)​)
To prove that W is subspace of vector space V, for this, it is enough to prove that,
​\( \forall a, b\in\mathbb{R} \)​ and ​\( \forall x, y\in W, ax+by\in W \)​
Let ​\( a, b\in\mathbb{R} \)​, & ​\( x, y\in W \)​ be arbitrary.
To prove that ​\( ax+by\in W=\ker T \)​
Consider, ​\( T(ax+by)=aT(x)+bT(y) \)​
​\( =a.0’+b.0′ \)​
​\( =0’+0′ \)​
​\( =0′ \)​
​\( \implies ax+by\in W \)​
Thus, ​\( \frac{V}{W} \)​ is quotient space.
Now, to prove that ​\( \frac{V}{W} \)​ is isomorphism to V’.
For this, consider a mapping ​\( f:\frac{V}{W}\to V’ \)​ such that ​\( f(W+\alpha)=T(\alpha), \forall \alpha\in V \)​
First to prove that, f is well defined.
Let ​\( W+\alpha, W+\beta \)​ be any two elements of ​\( \frac{V}{W} \)​ then ​\( \alpha, \beta\in V \)​.
Consider, ​\( W+\alpha=W+\beta \)​
​\( \implies W+\alpha+\beta=W \)​
​\( \implies \alpha+\beta\in W \)​           (​\( \because \)​ W is subspace)
​\( \implies T(\alpha-\beta)=0′ \)​          (By definition of W=ker T)
​\( \implies T(\alpha)-T(\beta)=0′ \)​      (​\( \because \)​ T is linear)
​\( \implies T(\alpha)=T(\beta) \)​
​\( \implies f(W+\alpha)=f(W+\beta) \)​     (By definition of f)
​\( \therefore f:\frac{V}{W}\to V’ \)​ is well defined.
Now, to prove that, ​
\( f(W+\alpha)=f(W+\beta)\implies W+\alpha=W+\beta,     \forall \ W+\alpha, W+\beta\in \frac{V}{W} \)
​\( f(W+\alpha)=f(W+\beta)\implies T(\alpha)=T(\beta) \)​
​\( \implies T(\alpha)-T(\beta)=0′ \)​
​\( \implies T(\alpha-\beta)=0′ \)​
​\( \implies \alpha-\beta\in W \)​
​\( \implies W+\alpha-\beta=W \)​      (​\( \because \)​ W is subspace)
​\( \implies W+\alpha=W+\beta \)​
To prove that, f is onto.
Let x be any vector in vector space V’.
As ​\( T:V\to V’ \)​ is onto and ​\( x\in V’, \exists \ \alpha \)​ in vector space V such that ​\( x=T(\alpha) \)​
​\( \because \alpha\in \)​ V, we have ​\( (W+\alpha)\in \frac{V}{W} \)​ such that ​\( f(W+\alpha)=T(\alpha)=x \)​.
​\( \therefore \forall \ x\in V’, \exists \ W+\alpha\in \frac{V}{W} \)​ such that ​\( f(W+\alpha)=x \)​.
Now, to prove that, ​\( f:\frac{V}{W}\to V’ \)​ is linear transformation.
i.e. ​\( f(ax+by)=af(x)+bf(y), a, b\in\mathbb{R}, x, y\in\frac{V}{W} \)
As x, ​\( y\in\frac{V}{W}\implies x=W+\alpha, \alpha\in V \)​ and ​\( y=W+\beta, \beta\in V \)​
​\( \therefore f(ax+by)=f[a(W+\alpha)+b(W+\beta)] \)​
​\( =f(W+a\alpha+W+b\beta) \)​
​\( =f(W+a\alpha+b\beta) \)​
​\( =T(a\alpha+b\beta) \)​
​\( =aT(\alpha)+bT(\beta) \)​
​\( =af(W+\alpha)+bf(W+\beta) \)​
​\( =af(x)+bf(y) \)​
​\( \therefore \)​ f is linear.
Hence, f is isomorphism.
​\( \therefore \)​ quotient space ​\( \frac{V}{W} \)​ is isomorphic to V’.



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